Collection: Coddi & Womple

Welcome to the curious world of Coddi & Womple!

Coddi & Womple is a Kiwi brand, designed by New Zealander, Kerri-Ann Kumar.

Kerri-Ann has taken many of the aspects she holds dearly in her favourite Scandinavian brands and mixed them with a part of the curious world she envisages our children live in.


Designed in NZ; Made with serious talent in India.

When you purchase Coddi & Womple clothing you take home their good earthed values: Kindness, Curiosity and Quality. Each garment is hand made with 100% GOTS certified organic cotton. Fair trade and sustainably produced ensures Coddi & Womple is gentle to everyone who helps bring the brand to life.


Forever playful
Endlessly colourful
Wholeheartedly for children
Product type
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Rainbow Sheep - Blue
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Rainbow Sheep - Blue
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Rainbow Sheep - Blue
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Rainbow Ants
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Rainbow Ants
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Divya The Flower Painting Panther
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Divya The Flower Painting Panther
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Divya The Flower Painting Panther
Coddi & Womple - LS Tee - Bruno Under The Rainbow
Coddi & Womple - LS Tee - Bruno Under The Rainbow
Coddi & Womple - LS Tee - Bruno Under The Rainbow
Coddi & Womple - LS Tee - Rainbow Sheep - Green
Coddi & Womple - LS Tee - Rainbow Sheep - Green
Coddi & Womple - LS Tee - Rainbow Sheep - Green
Coddi & Womple - LS Tee - Divya The Flower Painting Panther
Coddi & Womple - LS Tee - Divya The Flower Painting Panther
Coddi & Womple - LS Tee - Divya The Flower Painting Panther
Coddi & Womple - Leggings - Rainbow Scales - Blue Light ** LAST PAIR
Coddi & Womple - Leggings - Rainbow Scales - Blue Light ** LAST PAIR
Coddi & Womple - Leggings - Rainbow Scales - Blue Light ** LAST PAIR
Coddi & Womple - Leggings - Rainbow Scales - Pink Cosmos
Coddi & Womple - Leggings - Rainbow Scales - Pink Cosmos
Coddi & Womple - Leggings - Rainbow Scales - Pink Cosmos
Coddi & Womple - LS Tee - Storm - Blue
Coddi & Womple - LS Tee - Storm - Blue
Coddi & Womple - LS Tee - Storm - Blue
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Astrid and Orion - Orange ** LAST ONE!
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Astrid and Orion - Orange ** LAST ONE!
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Astrid and Orion - Orange ** LAST ONE!
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Rainbow Scales - Pink Cosmos
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Rainbow Scales - Pink Cosmos
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Rainbow Scales - Pink Cosmos
Coddi & Womple - Dungarees - Astrid and Orion - Pink
Coddi & Womple - Dungarees - Astrid and Orion - Pink
Coddi & Womple - Dungarees - Astrid and Orion - Pink
Coddi & Womple - Adult Coco Dress - Moorish
Coddi & Womple - Adult Coco Dress - Moorish
Coddi & Womple - Adult Coco Dress - Moorish
Coddi & Womple - Adult Coco Dress - Rainbow Scales ** LAST ONE sz XS
Coddi & Womple - Adult Coco Dress - Rainbow Scales ** LAST ONE sz XS
Coddi & Womple - Adult Coco Dress - Rainbow Scales ** LAST ONE sz XS
Coddi & Womple - Jungle Shorts - Bubble Bubble
Coddi & Womple - Jungle Shorts - Bubble Bubble
Coddi & Womple - Jungle Shorts - Bubble Bubble
Coddi & Womple - Harem Shorts - Rainbow Scales ** LAST ONE sz 1
Coddi & Womple - Harem Shorts - Rainbow Scales ** LAST ONE sz 1
Coddi & Womple - Harem Shorts - Rainbow Scales ** LAST ONE sz 1
Coddi & Womple - LS Twirl Dress - Astrid and Orion
Coddi & Womple - LS Twirl Dress - Astrid and Orion
Coddi & Womple - LS Twirl Dress - Astrid and Orion
Coddi & Womple - Swatches
Coddi & Womple - Swatches
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Merin and Pearl
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Merin and Pearl
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Moorish
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Moorish
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Thistle and the Moon ** LAST SZ 1 yr
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Thistle and the Moon ** LAST SZ 1 yr
Coddi & Womple - Dungarees - Astrid and Orion - Black
Coddi & Womple - Dungarees - Astrid and Orion - Black
Coddi & Womple - Dungarees - Astrid and Orion - Black
Coddi & Womple - SS Twirl Dress - Storm Horse ** LAST ONE sz 2
Coddi & Womple - SS Twirl Dress - Storm Horse ** LAST ONE sz 2
Coddi & Womple - SS Baby Doll Dress - Moorish
Coddi & Womple - SS Baby Doll Dress - Moorish
Coddi & Womple - SS Baby Doll Dress - Moorish
Coddi & Womple - SS Twirl Dress - Merin and Pearl
Coddi & Womple - SS Twirl Dress - Merin and Pearl
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Luna's Song
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Luna's Song
Coddi & Womple - SS Tee - Luna's Song